2 Years!
On this day two years ago I met my stud of a fiance. You can read about it here. Happy 2 years of loving each other, constant laughing, and growing together Sam! I have to say year two was much harder than year one, obviously. You're completely comfortable with each other, the new fuzzy boyfriend/girlfriend feelings have subsided and quite frankly you start getting real with each other. And even though it was far more challenging than the first, it has really made us grow in our relationships. Most people haven't gone through what Sam and I have gone through in a year. It hasn't been the easiest year, but I honestly am thankful for all the obstacles that we have overcome, and are overcoming together. They have all strengthened our relationship with each other, our relationship with God, and our relationships with our families. They have made us appreciate each other for our strengths and weaknesses and have taught us the true meaning of unconditional love.
I also have to add year two was my favorite. In year two Sam got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. In year two we have had the best time planning our perfect wedding. In year two we gained two beautiful and perfect nieces. In year two we both got our dream jobs. In year two we have watched a few of our friends get married, and some get engaged. We have been truly blessed this past year and we cannot wait for year three. So many excited things to look forward to! I love you so much Sam!

I also have to add year two was my favorite. In year two Sam got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. In year two we have had the best time planning our perfect wedding. In year two we gained two beautiful and perfect nieces. In year two we both got our dream jobs. In year two we have watched a few of our friends get married, and some get engaged. We have been truly blessed this past year and we cannot wait for year three. So many excited things to look forward to! I love you so much Sam!

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