Weekend Fun!
Last weekend was a big weekend for us Hickman's. Action packed for sure- but oh so fun! Being that I have some time off this evening I wanted to get caught up with my blogging! We had the honor of hosting our sweet friends an "I Do BBQ" shower. Since I am close with the bride, and Sam is close with the groom, it was only fitting that we threw them a party for the both of them. We wanted it to be relaxing, super casual and fun. Not your typical shower with the shower games. Just a time to spend time with their friends. Other than it being ridiculously hot- I think we accomplished just that! Here are some pictures from the shower:

Haley and Dev- we absolutely adore you two. We love you guys and cannot wait for your big day!!
And speaking of big days- this past weekend I got to also see two other of my sweet, sweet friends (almost BRIDES!) I got to help this girl say YES to the dress! One of the many, many reasons I adore my job. I will leave it up to her to share with you all the details. I am so excited for you, Hanna-Lee and so honored I got to be a small part in a big decision for such a wonderful day! You are going to be stunning!

and last but certainly not least- I got to see this gorgeous bride-to-be!

Abby- I am beyond excited for you and so honored I get to stand by your side as you marry your best friend. You are going to be a radiant bride! Let the fun begin!!
Not sure how this weekend is going to top all of that- but oh well. This weekend Sam and I will be boxing up our condo and hopefully moving some things out. Continuing to trust God in this next season of our lives. Also continuing to try and have patience, easier said than done for sure.
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