Last but certainly not least this morning- my not so junior bridesmaid, Zoe. Zoe is my younger cousin that lives in Nashville. It has been a pleasure watching her grow up. I am close with all of my cousins- but most of them are older than I am- so in my eyes she's the baby. However, she's gorgeous and looks way older than I do. Imagine that.
Zoe has a heart to serve people. Anytime someone needs anything- she is the first to jump up and take care of it. I admire that in her. She is so sweet and funny. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her in the years to come- whatever it is, I know it will be awesome. She's a lover of all things purple and lime, Taylor Swift, and a pair of converses. I am excited that I get to have her by my side on our big day. Love you, Zobug.

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