And three babies make six.
So if you read my facebook status last night you are well aware of the fact that ALL THREE of my sistas are pregnant. Crazy right?!? I know. I am still a little unable to wrap my head around it. Three beautiful nieces or nephews are blessing our families next May (2) and June (1). We found out on a Friday that Sam's middle brother Brett and his wife Sara was expecting their first child. It is so funny that it happened when it did, I had just told Sam about three days before that I had a feeling Sara was pregnant. I don't know what it was, just a feeling I guess. Or maybe I was just really hoping she was. haha. The very next day, Laura and Will shared their news with us. Talk about excited! I remember coming home and telling Sam, "wouldn't it be something if Jenn was pregnant too?" little did we know- she was! She told us four days later she was. I was bursting to tell her the news about the other two, but obviously it was top secret. Talk about the hardest thing ever to keep in. I literally avoided everyone for a few weeks because I just couldn't hide my excitement. This makes the first for Brett and Sara, number 2 for Will and Laura, and three for Bobby and Jenn. If you lost count, that's a total of six. We are an aunt and uncle to SIX kiddos now. And we are thrilled. I have been dying to write this post and so excited that now I finally can. I cannot wait to love on these babies.

Sara and Brett's fur baby, Piper says she is excited.

Will and Laura and Laney are thrilled.

And Jenn, Bobby, Asher and Lillian can't wait for baby 3. Whoa.
Just a glimpse of all the exciting things we couldn't wait to share with you all. Bring on the babies.
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