So if you read my facebook status last night you are well aware of the fact that ALL THREE of my sistas are pregnant. Crazy right?!? I know. I am still a little unable to wrap my head around it. Three beautiful nieces or nephews are blessing our families next May (2) and June (1). We found out on a Friday that Sam's middle brother Brett and his wife Sara was expecting their first child. It is so funny that it happened when it did, I had just told Sam about three days before that I had a feeling Sara was pregnant. I don't know what it was, just a feeling I guess. Or maybe I was just really hoping she was. haha. The very next day, Laura and Will shared their news with us. Talk about excited! I remember coming home and telling Sam, "wouldn't it be something if Jenn was pregnant too?" little did we know- she was! She told us four days later she was. I was bursting to tell her the news about the other two, but obviously it was top secret. Talk about the hardest thing ever to keep in. I literally avoided everyone for a few weeks because I just couldn't hide my excitement. This makes the first for Brett and Sara, number 2 for Will and Laura, and three for Bobby and Jenn. If you lost count, that's a total of six. We are an aunt and uncle to SIX kiddos now. And we are thrilled. I have been dying to write this post and so excited that now I finally can. I cannot wait to love on these babies.

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