Yesterday was such a fun day. Busy- but lots of fun. I started off the day bright and early. My sister-in-law, Sara's best friend and cousin was getting married and she asked me to come help out with the bridesmaids hair. What a gorgeous wedding from what little bit I did get to see, with an even more gorgeous bride. I was excited that I got to squeeze in some sister time since I don't get to see her very often.
Sara and Michelle. So glad I got to meet Michelle in person! What a sweet girl.
Showing off their hair do's by moi.
After I finished with wedding hair, I hurried home to take a nap. I knew it would be a busy night and getting up at 6 a.m. wasn't going to leave me much energy at 7 p.m. Our sweet friends Devin and Haley (soon-to-be Sellers) threw Sam and I an Oyster Roast in our honor. It was one of the best nights I have had in a while. It was perfect, and so relaxing. We feasted on oysters (my FAVORITE) and sat around the fire and laughed all night. It was so fun hearing stories from Sam and all his childhood/college friends. It was a perfect way to ring in the holidays. Sam and I love Devin and Haley so much, and we are so thankful for their friendship and everything they have done for us. A big thank you to Mrs. Terri and Mr. David as well for opening up their house to us and all our friends who came to celebrate with us . We had the best time. Can't wait to see you all again in just 4.5 weeks!

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