I couldn't decide if I wanted to blog about our wedding or not, being that 95% of the people that read this ole' blog was there- however since I try to blog about every other big life event, I figured this one should probably make the cut. Our wedding day was perfect to us. It was everything we could have ever dreamed of. I woke up that morning at 6:30, probably from the excitement. My mom had put together some food for the girls for throughout the day, but I still needed to pick some stuff up to have where we were getting ready. So I gathered all my things, finished packing for the honeymoon, and loaded up the car. I'd like to think I was pretty calm that day, but I'm sure I wasn't as calm as I thought I was. I arrived at the house and my bridesmaids started arriving. Its hard to express in words the emotions you feel that day unless you've experienced it. Months and months of planning and it is finally here. I wanted everything to go so perfectly, just like I had planned, but in that same moment there was a peace that if nothing went right it was okay too. That morning I got to have a few moments in the word which really brought comfort over me. I also had such a great group of girls around me all day. I wanted that morning to be peaceful, relaxing and as stress free as a wedding day morning could be. I just wanted to be with my girls all morning and not have to worry about a thing. I can't speak for the girls, but I enjoyed it. At one point we even had a dance party in the midst of getting ready. It was great fun.

After the girls got ready my mom helped me get in my dress and then we decided to have some prayer time. I will have to say that I will never forget those moments. Each one of my bridesmaids said a little something as they continued praying over Sam and I and our marriage. At one point we were all in tears at the same time. The most special memories to me. After we had our moment of prayer I got to read the letter that my sweet husband sent over to me. We decided not to see each other before the wedding, so this gave us a little time to hear from each other and calm our nerves before the ceremony.

Before I knew it, it was 4:30 and it was time to make our way over to the church. We decided to have our ceremony in the church that my mother, both of her sisters, and the rest of the family all got married in. It is also my home church, and the church my grandparents pastor together, so it was very special to me. The girls and I got ready at the cutest little house right in front of the church, which made the travel easy!

As I was walking up, I met my dad in front of the doors. I decided to do a first look with my dad since he had not seen me in my dress. This was also a special moment. I have always been a daddy's girl so this was something that I will never forget.

I am so grateful for these beautiful pictures. I will cherish them for years to come. Stay tuned for part 2!
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