Well people, we have officially been married for two months today! Woohoo! I figured today would be the perfect day to kick back up our wedding recaps!
So here's where we left off:
After I had my first look with my dad- we quickly made our way to the back of the church so no one would see us. We waited for about 45 minutes, even though it felt like hours. While we were waiting I had some time to reflect, and have a few moments of panic (HA!) the girls were so calm, which made everything so helpful. Before I knew it my dad had made his way back to the back and told me it was almost time. The nerves and excitement was crazy. It was finally here! We all lined up and I could hear the music that I had picked out begin to start.
Right before the ceremony started, Draw Near by Bethel was played by our dear friend Turner Coleman. The words of this song are so beautiful, I could listen to it on repeat. He played this song so wonderfully. The grandparents and parents were seated to Only Hope by Mandy Moore (also sung by Switchfoot). My aunt Mandy sang it which made it so much more special. Only Hope was from A Walk to Remember- which is one of my favorite movies. When Sam and I first started dating I made him watch the whole thing with me, and despite what he tells people he really liked it. I knew that it had to be sung at our wedding.
Then it was time for the wedding party. I decided that I wanted everyone to come out to one song, I just wanted to come out to the build. 'cause I'm dramatic like that. I chose Closer by Bethel. My other aunt Lorie sang this one for us, which was fabulous. The first time I ever heard this song I was getting ready for class. It came on and I immediately began to cry. I am not sure if it was the words, or the anointing that it had over it, but I was in the floor sobbing. It was so powerful. I just remember thanking my Lord for all of the things he has blessed us with, and asking him to prepare my heart for what to come. I knew as soon as I heard it that I would be coming down the aisle to that with my earthly father. So special.

After what seemed like the longest walk ever, I had reached my groom. The first thing Sam mouthed to me once I could see him was "You came?!?" What a goofball. Then my daddy lifted my veil, kissed my cheek and handed me to Sam. I was so excited at this point. We wanted a short and sweet ceremony so I knew that I was almost Sams wife. My grandfather officiated the wedding, which helped me relax a little. Sam and I recited the vows that we wrote for each other (his being written on his reporters notebook...haha!) Such sweet and special words I will treasure forever. After our vows we did communion with each sets of our parents as Sam's oldest brother sang My Beloved by Tenth Avenue North. I love this song and I knew it was perfect for communion! Having Will singing was also so special. We really felt so loved by all our family and friends that day. We exchanged our rings and he kissed the bride! We did it! We were officially man and wife- and it was fabulous! We danced our way back down the aisle to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. Sam fell in love with this song at his brother, Brett's wedding and has been somewhat obsessed with it since. We knew it was perfect. We spent so much time picking music, and making everything about our ceremony reflect our relationship with each other, and our relationship with our savior.

Our Ceremony Music:
Stay tuned for the rest!
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