What a weekend it has been! I have been going nonstop all month and I finally had a little bit of a break this weekend. It has been nice and relaxing! Just what I needed. Lots of big things happening for us Hickman's lately! So excited to share what is happening with us within the next few months. God has blessed us tremendously and we are so grateful.
One of the big things that have happened this weekend is another one of my sweet friends has drank the koolaid. Super excited to announce that my dear high school friend is getting MARRIED! We are so excited for you, Hanna and Ethan! Marriage is fantastic and so much fun. We chatted that morning about her date (I just had a feeling it was happening) and I told her to call me if anything happened. Sure enough a few hours later- she called! I love getting these texts!! He took her to the top of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and popped the question. (Que the awww's) I am hoping you'll get to read her engagement story as soon as her blog is up and running.....hint hint.
Also this weekend we met our new furbaby! We don't get to bring him home for a little while, which makes me sad- but we are so excited. We decided not to renew our lease at the place we are staying, which has been the sole reason we haven't been puppy looking already. Our sweet Olde English Bulldog will be ready right after we move so we knew it was perfect timing. I have had my heart set on a bulldog forever and as soon as we found a litter and checked the pick up date we knew it was meant to be! We are over the moon! Pictures to come! Also- for puppy parents, tips would be greatly appreciated!
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