I always think it is fun to occasionally sit back and reflect on what our life is been like lately (other than hectic, of course.) So I wanted to share with you what Sam and I are up to lately!
Currently we are:
Super excited about Heyward joining our family in just a few weeks! We went out Friday night and started shopping for him. Sam refused to let me buy any food or treats until he gets here. Boo. But we did get him his first kennel, a bed, his food and water bowl, his leash and collar number one, and quite a bit of toys. We still have the not so fun stuff to get like shampoo and conditioner, treats and food, cleaner for our floors, etc. But we will finish that up soon. I also ordered his dog tag as well. Who knew that a puppy would be so exciting? I will keep in mind this excitement when I am up at three a.m. taking the little one to the bathroom...
Also super excited about next months festivities! We have July fourth, my cousin Elliott's wedding weekend, and a shower we are throwing for our sweet friends Devin and Haley. It is going to be a busy month but we are looking forward to it! Can't believe both of their weddings are so close! Ekkk!
Doing some serious praying about the next step in our lives. Nothing major, just what our next move is as a family. A lot of things are happening in our lives and we are so blessed to be able to live our lives with each other. We try to cover each decision, big or small, in prayer.
Anticipating going to see 22 Jump Street. We absolutely loved the first one. I mean belly laughs. We are hoping that the second one doesn't disappoint.
Coming up on six months of sweet marriage! I cannot believe it has already been that long! We're also both coming up on our one year anniversary of working our awesome jobs! Time sure does fly.

Loving Hart of Dixie. Okay- maybe "we" aren't, but I am! It gets better and better each season. They wrapped up season three last month so I have been binge watching them all on Netflix and Hulu. I am obsessed. I really also love AnnaBeth's style. Her wardrobe is always flawless.
Looking forward to an awesome Summer with our family and friends! We are so enjoying the pool, the beach, and the river as often as we can.
That's all I have for today- Happy Monday y'all!
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