110 Days!

My poor blog has been suffering from some major blog neglect lately. I sincerely apologize. So much has been going on lately and I can't wait to fill everyone in. I am so amazed that we are only three and a half months away from our wedding. It is so insane how fast these last ten months have flown by. I keep waiting for the stress and anxiety to come but so far, so good. The planning process has been so fun and exciting and seeing things come together makes Sam and I so giddy. We really put all our effort into this process and I have to say we couldn't have planned a better wedding that completely shows off our personalities and relationship. 

To top off the fact that we are getting close to the big day, Sam and I officially have a place to live. After a lot of prayer, conversation, and guidance from our parents, we get the keys on Friday! Since Sam and I don't want to live together until we're married Sam will be staying in our place until the wedding. And even though I may not be going right away, our throw pillows will be. It is so crazy how much Sam and I have grown during this process. We have grown spiritually, we have grown on our own, and we have grown together. 

Sam and I have to give God every bit of credit for all the things that have happened to us lately. We recently both got jobs in the fields that we love. We both started out as part time and we are so blessed to say we both got offered full time positions. God is so good. 

Sam and I start our marriage counseling soon and as we start this process we really want to focus on what this whole process is about. It is about our commitment to each other, and to God. It is about keeping each other accountable in our walk with God and loving each other unconditionally. I cannot wait to be Mrs. Hickman! 110 days to go! 

God is good



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